Who We Are

We believe that Christianity is not about trying to impress God or other people. Rather, it is about God offering us new life with him regardless of our fears, faults or failures. We believe that God’s love for us led him to enter our world as one of us, walk with us, and die for us. We believe that his love overcomes evil, injustice, alienation and even death. We believe that at the resurrection of Jesus, he began renewing the whole world. We believe that he calls us to join him in this work. We believe that he has not left us alone but offers to live with us by his Holy Spirit.

We hold that the bible communicates this faith to us and so we seek to read it, explain it and let it shape our lives.

Christ Church is a parish of the Anglican Diocese of Canberra-Goulburn, Australia.

Our aims

To know Christ and make him known through:

  • worship and prayer

  • Bible study and reflection

  • Serving others in Jesus' name

  • Sharing the gospel story

  • Caring for the resources God has given us.

Some of our ministries

  • Op-Shop: Monthly on-site, offering books, clothing, CDs, vinyl, movies, household items, and baked goods.

  • Playgroup: Mondays, 9:30 am - 11:30 am during school terms, catering to 0-5-year-olds.

  • Small Groups: Engage in meaningful discussions and connections.

  • Short Courses: Topics include an overview of the Bible, intro to theology, parenting, and more.

  • Youth group: we run a youth group during school term on Thursdays, 3pm-5pm. We also partner with Young Life Australia to run a Breakfast Club at Belconnen High School

  • Aged Care Services: We provide regular services for residents at Bill McKenzie Gardens.

Our leadership team


Honorary Assistant Minister

Rev. Nathanael Thierry


Lindsay Gilchrist, Charmaine Simeonovic

Parish council

Secretary: Del Da Costa

Treasurer: Susan Grant

Ordinary members: Ethel Whitby, Jono Griffin

Our history

Our parish was established in 1970 to serve central Belconnen, following the rapid development of new suburbs of Canberra: the first residents moved into Page in 1968, Scullin in 1969, Weetangera in 1970, Hawker 1972, and Florey 1980. Major milestones in the development of Christ Church parish:

  • 1969 (July) – Services in Belconnen commenced in the home of a parishioner in Belconnen Way with the celebration of Holy Communion.

  • 1970 (January) – The first priest in charge of the central Belconnen area was commissioned. Services were held in the assembly hall of Page Primary School. A few months later services were relocated to Scullin Primary School, which the parish shared in cooperation for many years with the congregation of the Methodist Church, subsequently the Uniting Church of Australia, until our Hawker church was built.

  • 1979 (September) – Rectory completed in Hawker.

  • 1982 (November) – First services held in the present Christ Church building.

  • 2006 (November) – The church building was consecrated.